CiPA Assay
Defining an accurate pro arrhythmic risk of your compounds for IND submissions
Mechanistic CV Toxicity Assay
To better define the cardiovascular risk by measuring voltage, calcium and contractility to provide a comprehensive analysis of myocyte function during prolonged exposure of compound
Heart Failure Assay
Clyde’s CellOPTIQ® Platform enables testing of potential new medicines for heart failure therapeutics. Generating voltage, calcium and contractility data from hiPSC cardiomyocytes and adult cardiomyocytes, enabling discovery of new drugs for heart conditions.
hiPSC Cardiomyocyte Characterisation
& Validation Assay
Over the last 6 years Clyde has been instrumental in characterising hiPSC cardiomyocytes from all the major providers
Voltage Assay
Current assays may not have the sensitivity to detect changes in action potential upstroke. CellOPTIQ® is the only Voltage assay able to capture data fast enough to measure changes in upstroke directly.
Calcium Assay
Intracellular calcium transient measurements are critical for the understanding of cardiac function. Clyde’s CellOPTIQ® offers more accuracy and higher throughput than other assays.
Contractility Assay
Heart cell contractility is a sensitive indicator of toxic or therapeutic effects of drugs. CellOPTIQ® provides visual measurements of cells at high frequency providing a wealth of data for the assessment of potential contractility effects.
In Silico Modelling
In Silico modelling and screening will become a cornerstone of cardiotox testing in drug development. Clyde Biosciences’ In Silico service provides confidence about ion channel measurement of drug activity.
Custom R&D
For research and development needs which cannot be met using older technologies we work with our clients to craft protocols to meet their requirements